The puzzle was what benefit would be gained from it when performance might be affected the following day.
To receive maximum benefit from the wonderful nutrients contained in fruits and vegetables, choose from a variety of different produce each day, rather than sticking with the same options.
Users will benefit from having control of their own environment and the ability to adapt to their day-to-day needs.
Each day close to 1.4 million passengers - approximately 27 percent of the city's public transport demand - benefit from the Transmilenio in Bogota.
Negative-pressure therapy decreases the need to change wound dressings from one to three times per day to once every few days, a major benefit when medical staff is in short supply.
As a result, Turpan continues to this day to benefit from both the heat and this water source, and is one of China's foremost grape and wine-producing regions.
Fortunately, technology has allowed everyone - even entrepreneurs who commute to a traditional office every day - to benefit from the flexibility of working from home when it's needed or preferred.
Therefore, we university students should form the good habit of attending our classes regularly from now on. And some day we'll benefit from it.
The unemployment insurance fund Alfa charges an administration fee of SEK 17 per day of benefit (2009) from those receiving the basic amount.
Therefore, , we university students should form the good habit of attending our classes regularly from now on. And some day we'll benefit from it.
To me, that was a wake-up call that the Meta Secret isn't something to be learned and put away on a shelf, it must be lived every day in order for me or anyone else to benefit from it.
World - wide users in laboratories of all kind in all fields benefit not only from GFL's knowledge of the every day demands, but also from GFL products' precision and reliability.
This means industries and individuals alike benefit every day from the top results and unbeatable value of Prolab's superior quality products.
You know, every day tens of millions of people use Baidu to find information, and I feel passionate about making a product like this, which can help many people benefit from the Internet.
Their studies show that our circadian body clocks, set by light and darkness, never benefit from gaining an "extra" hour of sunlight to the end of the day during daylight saving time.
I am confident that both De Beers, you, and we members of the DJ industry well benefit from the time we spend together over the next day and a half.
Their studies show that our circadian body clocks, __ 8 __ by light and darkness, never benefit from gaining an "extra" hour of sunlight to the end of the day during daylight saving time.
Article 41 Article 2 Part 1 of the Labor insurance Act regarding ordinary incident insurance unemployment benefit, and provisions in Article 74 are repealed from the day this Law is enforced.
Article 41 Article 2 Part 1 of the Labor insurance Act regarding ordinary incident insurance unemployment benefit, and provisions in Article 74 are repealed from the day this Law is enforced.