The discussions were beset with difficulties.
The plan was beset with difficulties from the beginning.
Almost from the outset, the extravaganza was beset with difficulties.
We must not forget for a moment the fact that ours is a poor country beset with difficulties.
It is a common sense in Chinese teaching circles that composition teaching is beset with difficulties.
The course of history could never be smooth, and sometimes it would be beset with difficulties and obstacles.
Putin came into power at the historical crisis that Russia was beset with difficulties both at home and abroad.
The profession participation vocational education enthusiasm is not high, the union school is beset with difficulties.
These cases indicate that South Africa is still beset with difficulties in implementing the language policy and forming the wide national agreement.
However, each kind of material demonstrated that the university graduates start an undertaking the success ratio to be low, start an undertaking the path to be beset with difficulties.
However, they have been beset by financial difficulties with the promise of long-term funding failing to materialise.
Now that the West European countries are beset with economic difficulties, we should lose no time in seeking their cooperation, so as to speed up our technological transformation.
The book is inspiring in that it is one brimming over with the unbending will of a gallant woman beset with seemingly insurmountable difficulties.
In units beset with long-standing difficulties, the basic problem is timid leadership.
In units beset with long-standing difficulties, the basic problem is timid leadership.