Computer models often give a very good estimate of star sizes, but direct measurements would be best, researchers said.
The current best estimate to complete the vaporization: a trillion years.
Unit Labour costs are the best estimate of staffing costs faced by firms.
The best way to estimate the safety of a landing is to look at the acceleration.
That gain isn't guaranteed, of course, but it's your best estimate of how much you'll make if things work out as you expect.
NASA radar astronomers picked up its track on Friday and were immediately able to narrow its position to within one kilometer — 50 times better than their previous best estimate.
The estimate includes a range similar to the traditional "best case, worst case and most likely case" estimates.
So, if an actual observed velocity is not available to use, the next best thing is to estimate a team velocity.
This best practice allows you to prioritize test cases based on their complexity, risk, and functional area, which will create a quality estimate about how long the testing will take.
While this is a legitimate concern, it is also possible to use a whole range of business prediction techniques currently available to estimate future circumstances as best as possible.
However, in order to get the best cost estimate, the optimizer needs the values that will be used when the query executes.
But don't worry about the planet disappearing entirely any time soon. The current best estimate to complete the vaporization: a trillion years.
Analysts estimate that sales rose by more than 5% last year (the company is due to report its annual results on February 7th), which would be Unilever's best performance for years.
The week after the switchover, the number of fresh cases fell significantly, with a best estimate of 30,000 new cases, down by two-thirds from the previous week.
Market prices were thus the best available estimate of the underlying value of securities and should not be second-guessed by regulators.
Although that figure is at best an estimate, it is supported by other convincing data.
Until recently the best estimate of the proton radius was 0.877 femtometres with an uncertainty of 0.007 fm
Based on publicly available information and our own assumptions we have nonetheless produced a best estimate that we hope will assist the public debate.
The best estimate is that putting people on a spacecraft multiplies the cost ten-fold.
Provisions are reviewed regularly and adjusted to reflect the current best estimate.
How to best combine these quantities into an estimate of the amount of damage is ongoing research.
The best estimate for total eclipses is to say they recur at the same location about every 360 years on the average.
Then obtain base-case, best-case, and worst-case NPV and calculate mean NPV and standard deviation to (roughly) estimate the magnitude of the risk inherent to the project.
The role of statistical inference is to estimate the best parameter values or constants in an assumed cost function.
Such a single point figure permits at best a detection range estimate for a known radar operating at the specified wavelength and aspect.
Our best intelligence estimate continues to be that he is a live and probably some place in those tribal areas on the western side of Pakistan.
Our best intelligence estimate continues to be that he is a live and probably some place in those tribal areas on the western side of Pakistan.