People with the disease get plaques in their brains made up of a small protein called amyloid-beta, which clumps together and disrupts brain signals.
He has tested it so far in mice, and found the animals have better memory and other cognitive skills and fewer clumps of beta-amyloid and tau protein.
Amyloid plaques form when a molecule called amyloid precursor protein (APP) is chopped up by two enzymes known as beta-secretase and gamma-secretase.
A key aspect of Alzheimer's is sticky clumps of an abnormal protein in the brain called beta amyloid plaques.
阿尔兹·海默氏症主要是由于脑部聚集结块的异常蛋白质,名为be ta淀粉状蛋白斑。
It contains antibodies against a protein called beta-amyloid, which many Alzheimer's researchers believe plays a pivotal role in the progression of the disease.
它包含能够对抗一种淀粉样蛋白(beta - amyloid)的抗体,许多阿滋海默症研究者都认为这种淀粉样蛋白在疾病的形成中扮演了关键的角色。
The causes for Alzheimer's disease are not known, but dysregulation of amyloid-precursor protein expression and beta-amyloid clearance is hypothesized (beta-amyloid cascade).
Traditional drug development in Alzheimer's disease is taking too narrow an approach by focusing intensively on the buildup of amyloid beta-protein in the brain, Dr. Nixon says.
One of the most promising is to inhibit an enzyme that shears off amyloid beta from a larger protein.
Amyloid beta is best known as the protein that forms the giant plaques that riddle the brains of people with Alzheimer's.
众所周知? -淀粉样蛋白导致老年痴呆症患者的大脑里面形成巨大的斑块。这些斑块含有数十亿的。
Amyloid beta is best known as the protein that forms the giant plaques that riddle the brains of people with Alzheimer's.
众所周知? -淀粉样蛋白导致老年痴呆症患者的大脑里面形成巨大的斑块。这些斑块含有数十亿的。