OW: There's a big number of extras in the game that unlock when you achieve certain goals and stats in the story mode, one of which only unlocks when you've capped 50 zombies "gangsta style."
Omar Woodley:游戏中有大量的额外追加要素需要玩家在故事模式中完成某些特定目标后才能解锁,其中有一个是爆头50个僵尸将会解锁“黑帮风格”。
OW: There's a big number of extras in the game that unlock when you achieve certain goals and stats in the story mode, one of which only unlocks when you've capped 50 zombies "gangsta style."
Omar Woodley:游戏中有大量的额外追加要素需要玩家在故事模式中完成某些特定目标后才能解锁,其中有一个是爆头50个僵尸将会解锁“黑帮风格”。