For scientists, the Big Bounce opens a crack in the barrier that was the Big Bang.
A big bounce is unlikely: credit for mortgages is hard to get and consumer confidence fragile.
Bojowald found he had to create a new mathematical model to use with the theory of Loop Quantum Gravity in order to explore the universe before the Big Bounce with more precision.
Similarly, Bojowald's study indicates that there is complementarity between the uncertainty factors for the volume of the universe before the Big Bounce and the universe after the Big Bounce.
Bojowald discovered that two of these free parameters are complementary: one is relevant almost exclusively after the Big Bounce and the other is relevant almost exclusively before the Big Bounce.
Singapore's bounce, for example, was partly due to a big increase in pharmaceuticals production, which is notoriously volatile.
As first-time entrepreneurs, it helped tremendously to bounce ideas and talk through big decisions and differing perspectives with one another.
In closing, 60-minute technical side turns down, date line technical side is weak, which shows big chance to back bounce.
The upside of this correlation is that sales bounce back when a big movie hits theaters.
The upside of this correlation is that sales bounce back when a big movie hits theaters.