The taciturn Texan, known as “Big Ed”, seems to want to repeat his success by rehabilitating another fallen colossus of American industry.
The taciturn Texan, known as "Big Ed", seems to want to repeat his success by rehabilitating another fallen colossus of American industry.
The Aussie shows off his big wheat field and the Texan says, "Oh!"
The Aussie shows off his big wheat field and the Texan says, "Oh! We have wheat fields that are at least twice as large. ""
The Aussie shows off his big wheat field and the Texan says, "Oh! We have wheat fields that are at least twice as large."
那位得克萨斯农民更 得意洋洋、不无自豪 地说:“我们家乡的麦田比你们的最少要大两倍。”
The Aussie shows off his big wheat field and the Texan says, "Oh! We have wheat fields that are at least twice as large."
那位得克萨斯农民更 得意洋洋、不无自豪 地说:“我们家乡的麦田比你们的最少要大两倍。”