A reduce combines all the elements of a sequence using a binary operation. For example, it can use "+" to add up all the elements in the sequence.
Binary Tree, the operation and use.
The next UDF performs EXLUSIVE OR operation between two given integer values as translated to binary expressions
下一个UDF在给定的两个整数值之间执行EXLUSIVE OR运算,这两个值已经被转换成二进制形式
A method of operation; for example, the binary mode, the interpretive mode, the alphanumeric mode.
A UML operation representing a binary operator is named similarly to unary operator, but the symbol is one of the binary operators.
Groups just have one binary operation.
In this regard, it should be seen in the role of theory, respect for minority theory, criminal relativity theory, Stealth operation of power theory and criminal binary relations theory.
As a result, the proposed method avoids the binary operation used in some traditional Chinese character feature extractions that will seriously destroy the Chinese character structure.
A scheme to realize this secure paradigm in binary images using scanning operation is proposed and a more efficient practical method is also presented based on morphological theory.
Mathematics a set with an associative binary operation under which the set is closed, which contains an identity element and an inverse for every element in the set.
Binary tree operation: create a binary tree, before traversing binary, inorder, postorder binary tree traversal.
The concepts such as mathematical expression, stack operation and binary tree traversal must be presented in data structure.
Closure operation of binary relation plays an important role in network, parsing and detection and diagnosis of malfunction in switch circuit.
This paper introduces a computation method of trigonometric functions and inverse trigonometric functions in microprocessor by usr of combination binary fixed point operation with look-up table.
This algorithm scans the data base only once and the speed of binary operation is faster than the speed of comparison of item sets and transactions.
This paper introduces an image processing method that different from traditional image area segment. This method performs threshold operation to binary image for getting image area segment.
Compared with the technology for binary optical mask, the technology has the following strong points: process simplification, short period of fabrication and easy operation.
Represents the binary dynamic operation at the call site, providing the binding semantic and the details about the operation.
Purpose: Through the analysis of the results of 100 cases of operative cholangiography, to enhance the knowledge of the value of operative cholangiography to the binary tract operation.
According to the blob area distribution the improved morphology operation was put forward to remove small blob in the binary images.
This algorithm is totally different from previous huffman algorithm in the operation process of optimizing binary tree.
Firstly, gray image changed into binary image. Then, noise and stub burr is removed by using basic operation of mathematical morphology-dilation and closing operation.
Further processing of resulting boundary with binary morphological operation produces a closed osteomas contour. So osteomas is isolated from background.
It is pointed out that out of the sixteen operations only exclusive disjunctional operation and bi-conditional operation can make binary set form group;
It is pointed out that out of the sixteen operations only exclusive disjunctional operation and bi-conditional operation can make binary set form group;