For example, you can send string data in one channel with conversion enabled and send binary data down another.
Another advantage of using this type of plug-in authentication is that any authentication data (including binary data) can be transmitted between the client and the server.
When you're reading and writing binary data, you must be careful because different platforms store binary data in different ways.
If the data happens to be text, you can dump it into a CDATA section and be done with it, but true binary data needs to be encoded in a safe and recoverable manner.
You can use data bindings to transform binary data to an Service data Object (SDO) data structure during inbound flow and transform the SDO to binary data during outbound flow.
However, the data sent to the WAP gateway is binary encoded (for WAP), so the encrypted data must be decrypted and re-encrypted using TLS for the Internet.
Binary storage means that the database file can be smaller, and there is no requirement to translate data between different formats as data moves in and out of the database.
In addition to general text data, XML can also be used to store binary data through a special set of tags known as CDATA.
The TDB in particular was written to handle many concurrent writers and binary data such as internal data structures.
Informix: if the data format is specified as Informix, the data read (or written) from (or to) the file is in the binary format that can be decoded only by Informix.
Because the data is in it's raw binary format, parsing the information requires processing this binary data.
Data that would otherwise have to be encoded in the SOAP message is instead transmitted as raw binary data in a separate MIME part.
It improves performance by dramatically compressing the size of data transferred and parsing binary data into objects in memory far more efficiently than parsing XML data.
While they do a great job when working with regular data types, they are not very efficient when dealing with binary data, for example images or documents.
Unlike binary data, XML is highly structured, and many parsers and tools are optimized to search and query XML data.
和二进制数据不同,XML是高度结构化的,很多解析器和工具针对 XML 数据搜索和查询进行了优化。
The data can be sent either as binary data or ASCII text up to 15 pages in length, with a page being up to 93 characters in length; the test set only provides support for ASCII messages.
Since XML is verbose, data stored in an XML document usually occupies substantially more memory than the same data in binary form.
Columns defined with the BLOB data type, or using the FOR BIT data clause will be passed as binary from the source to the target, and the code page used is zero.
When this happens, you can assist Eclipse in classifying what kind of content is in the file - either text data or binary data.
The remote XML data is serialized into a binary data type
When a NotesStream is read into the object (using SetValueFromNotesStream), you can pass a binary or ASCII stream of data, and the class encodes the data in base64 for you.
在NotesStream读入对象时(使用SetValue From NotesStream),您可以传递一个二进制或ascii数据流,该类会以base64为您编码数据。
This DTD serializes data into a (nested) set of data structures that are common in object-oriented programming languages: dictionaries, arrays, strings, Numbers, booleans, dates, and binary data.
The interface input and output has to be HTTPBytes type (one of the two data types created in the previous step) in order to treat the pay load as binary data.
Binary trees are represented by nodes that have a data value and a left and right pointer; however, there are many data structures that require trees with more than just a left and right branch.
For example, you need to specify the data encoding (whether an attribute contains textual or raw binary data).
The new data type, the bytes literal, as well as the bytes object are used for storing binary data.
新的数据类型bytesliteral 及 bytes对象的用途是存储二进制数据。
As mentioned earlier, the example we show sends the data in the payload as binary data.
This paper discuss the converting given integer data into binary data, and reducing of binary information systems base on it.
The URLLoader class provides a separate mechanism for loading text and binary data in data-driven applications.
You can use the file object to read data, to write data, to append data to a file, and to work with either binary or textual data.