Unlike bind variables, a substitution variable is processed on the client side, and its value will be substituted before submitting the command for execution.
With this function you can create variable bind tags by changing the parameters to the function.
Sometimes you want to bind a variable to an object enclosed in a match, where you are also specifying match criteria on the nested object.
In contrast dynamically typed languages bind the type to the actual value referenced by a variable, meaning that the type of a variable can change along with the value it references.
This means that only global variables in the SQL path that were defined before the last explicit bind time stamp are considered for global variable name resolution.
The REOPT bind option defers query optimization until input variable values are available at OPEN time.
The value variable will bind the output text specifically to a piece of data.
In a similar manner, bind the second edit box to a Request Scope variable named number.
Sitebricks will automatically bind a request variable of the same name to this.
Select the Data TAB under properties, select Advanced, and bind the control to a Request Scope variable named body.
It's easy to think of bind as being a way to define a variable, but that's not really what it does (and one of the points where you can get confused).
For programmatic purposes, you will bind each field to a global variable.
The only safe way to select this data is to bind it into a BLOB host variable, or a BLOB file host variable, to write it into an XML file.
How can I bind the schematic variable? Case in a rule for proof by cases?
Takes a start and an end point, just going to bind local variable names start and end to those pieces.
Takes a start and an end point, just going to bind local variable names start and end to those pieces.