Bars have been asked, gently at first and now rather crossly, to cut back on promotions that encourage binge-drinking.
“The Northern Territory was built on alcohol, ” he says. “Aboriginal people learned binge-drinking from non-aboriginal people.”
Deaths among women in the same age group also nearly doubled, fuelling concerns over binge-drinking and rising alcohol consumption in Britain.
One phenomenon increasingly visible in France, especially among young people, is "binge-drinking", though it is remains a relatively minor problem.
And while new people were arriving, old problems were disappearing only slowly, including binge-drinking, crude, rude young people and dysfunctional families.
It’s funny because everything I was doing back then is everything I’m against now – binge-drinking, staying out late and just doing things I wasn’t supposed to.
JUST two years ago Kirstie had one passion in life - binge-drinking. "We'd stand on street corners and wait for other kids to get hold of alcohol," says the college student.
But the core of the argument is binge drinking: Britons may not down that much overall, but when they do, some run amok, and everything from violence to serious health problems result.
Many people who meet diagnostic criteria for substance abuse or binge drinking do not realize they have a problem because their friends all have similar drinking patterns.
Not only are more intelligent individuals more likely to consume more alcohol more frequently, they are more likely to engage in binge drinking and to get drunk.
The National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent Health (Add Health) asks its respondents specific questions about binge drinking and getting drunk.
Binge drinking was defined, for men, as six or more drinks on one occasion at least once a week and, for women, six or more drinks on one occasion at least once a month.
It's important to avoid binge drinking and it's better to have a small amount of alcohol regularly rather than large amounts in one go.
Professor Heather said the 'binge drinking limit' could be set to eight units a day, 'or maybe a bit lower'.
With statistical adjustment for age, the prevalence of heavy drinking and binge drinking increased after 2004 in men with the lowest level of education, but not in those with higher education levels.
Some garden parties were cancelled this year as college authorities have become extra wary of binge drinking.
Educating children about the risks of binge drinking and explaining that most people can enjoy alcohol in moderation will also cultivate the right attitudes and behaviour towards drink.
Regular binge drinking is often a factor in making current mental health problems worse. Alcohol also interferes with medication, so if you’re taking antidepressants this is bad news.
That's the typical definition of binge drinking.
Similarly, binge drinking also went up significantly among people aged 45 to 64 after 2004, but did not change as much among people aged 25 to 44.
Binge drinking, which often leads to risky behavior, is now prevalent in Brazil, Kazakhstan, Mexico, Russia, South Africa and Ukraine, and rising elsewhere, according to the WHO.
Tapert wanted to find out in what way binge drinking affects a teen's developing brain.
Just as bad is the now common practice of “binge drinking,” otherwise known as getting hammered on the weekend.
These results were actually surprising to me because the binge drinking kids hadn't, in fact, engaged in a great deal of binge drinking.
But it does not give specific advice on binge drinking.
They found that heavy drinking, binge drinking, a preference for hard liquor and even drinking at mealtimes were associated with poor adherence to major nutrition guidelines.
The key public health message is that "light drinking is fine but heavy and binge drinking should be avoided", he said.
It's unclear whether binge drinking creates poorer declarative memory or serves as a sign of another problem.
It's unclear whether binge drinking creates poorer declarative memory or serves as a sign of another problem.