Geneticist and artist Hunter Cole has produced an incredible rendition of DNA molecules using bioluminescent bacteria.
遗传学家及艺术家亨特·科尔(Hunter Cole)使用具有生物发光性的细菌绘制出这样一幅令人惊叹的DNA分子演示图。
This lamp USES bioluminescent bacteria to light up a room, a component of the weirdly compelling Microbial Home concept.
Some bioluminescent bacteria, for example, light up when their population exceeds a threshold size (Journal of Bacteriology, vol 104, p 313).
Jan van der Meer at the University of Lausanne in Switzerland is taking the idea of using bioluminescent bacteria as pollution monitors a step further, by tinkering with their genetics.
瑞士洛桑大学的凡德尔·米尔(Janvan derMeer)认为通过用荧光细菌来监测污染的手段可以通过基因工程而更完善。
The sensor system USES the optical fiber as the transmission medium of bioluminescent bacteria signal, separating the sensor and the optical detecting system, which is convenient for field use.
They took genes from fireflies and bioluminescent marine bacteria and modified them that can be easily added to other organisms to make them glow.
They took genes from fireflies and bioluminescent marine bacteria and modified them that can be easily added to other organisms to make them glow.