They do that to draw the predator away from their nest, away from their eggs or their young birds.
It is usually the younger warblers that nest in these areas because the preferred spots where there are a lot of shrubs are taken by the older, more dominant birds.
The fact that the golden eagle usually builds its nest on some high cliffs renders it almost impossible to obtain the eggs or the young birds.
What's more, in most cases, even if the nest is destroyed by wind or something to that effect, you could create a new one and put all the baby birds back in it, and when the parents came back, they wouldn't care their baby birds were in a different nest, so long as you put the new nest near where the old one was so they can find it.
NEST】Most birds lay their eggs in their nests.
My tree will make birds nest safely in its branches.
Not surprisingly, groups of birds that nest in the canopy of trees declined significantly, while species that nest in cavities or near the ground were affected far less.
Nearly a third of all the birds of this species nest on South Georgia.
Many coastal birds are now getting ready to pair bond, court, and nest, noted the Louisiana coastal Initiative's Driscoll.
Rumor has it that you can't touch baby birds or eggs that have fallen from the nest, or their mother will reject them as "tainted" by the smell of your human-ness.
A blue bird rose screaming from its nest and circled over the dunes, and three spotted birds rustled through the coarse grey grass and whistled to each other.
You know, some birds are taking care of in the nest for a long time.
With little or no time to spare, we rushed inside the cabin, grabbed a chair to stand on, reached for the nest, and found three baby birds chirping away as their panicked mother flew the coop.
Again, several days went by, and when the parent birds returned to the nest with dinner for their babies, the little ones again told them, "we are in trouble!"
A I love all the new Olympic buildings. Especially the Birds Nest -the Olympic stadium.
A new study has found birds learn the art of nest-building, rather than it being just an instinctive skill.
Like wild birds, he had chosen this desert place to construct his nest.
A I think the Birds Nest is a fantastic piece of architecture.
The birds of the air nest by the waters; they sing among the branches.
It the beach where the birds nest?
The British Trust for Ornithology found that, in the period 1971-1995, 51 species of birds tended to nest and lay eggs earlier (around a week or more on average) as background temperatures increased.
英国鸟类学信托基金会(The British Trustfor Ornithology)发现,在1971- 1995年期间,由于背景温度升高,51种鸟倾向于提前筑巢下蛋(平均约一周或更长时间)。
At nearly 19,000 feet on Quelccaya's ice face, Dad decided to enlist his son's help, long-distance, taking pictures of birds and nest material frozen into the ice.
At nearly 19, 000 feet on Quelccaya's ice face, Dad decided to enlist his son's help, long-distance, taking pictures of birds and nest material frozen into the ice.
In the woods many birds nest. These ones, for example, are white-backed woodpecker and starling.
There the birds nest and bring up their young.
There the birds nest and bring up the young.
When Adam and Eve were expelled from Eden, there was an incident when the flames of a blazing sword of an angel, who had sent them away, burned a birds' nest.