Bit by bit I began to understand what they were trying to do.
His father began to lose his memory bit by bit, becoming increasingly forgetful.
He assembled the model aircraft bit by bit.
Bit by bit memories of the night came back to me.
Bit by bit Bob had nudged Fritz into selling his controlling interest.
The work was never finished and bit by bit the building fell apart.
The materials have been gathered bit by bit.
Bit by bit, we have pieced together incredible vistas of creation.
Bit by bit, he makes the necessary changes to make his language like other people's.
"I saw it crawl up the wall bit by bit. It did not stop, but went on and on. And I thought I could do the same. So I recited it bit by bit, and did not give up," said Tom.
After working hard bit by bit for a long time, Tu Youyou successfully won the Nobel Prize in her seventies.
Bit by bit, his back uncurls and straightens until all of a sudden there is he, upright, truly a man.
Then, bit by bit, his back uncurls and straightens until all of a sudden there is he, upright, truly a man.
This will allow you to open up bit by bit, and not be exposed to someone who might not do the right thing by you, or who might make you feel "weak" for asking.
Saving bit by bit, she and her husband bought land, a pickup truck, a car, and a proper house for the family.
"Bit by bit he is improving but he nonetheless has a long and difficult road ahead to have intelligible speech like he had before, " he added.
It was very like a sea, this deadly languor, that rose and rose and drowned his consciousness bit by bit.
Bit by bit, we have pieced together incredible vistas of creation next to which we and our entire Earth are less than ants in an anthill.
Thanks to the generosity of donors, we've rebuilt the hospital bit by bit, and we're expanding our maternal and child health services and our education programs.
This report is solidly positive for the economy: bit by bit the pieces of recovery are falling into place.
You are making progress everyday, bit by bit, but you just cannot see it or feel it.
Do not boil down to these unnecessary things, do not disdain those on the side of the little bit, because bit by bit in this matter behind it is included in your teacher's respect and recognition.
Their launch strategies involved upgrading their phones bit by bit - a better camera, a brighter screen or larger memory - so as to make the "new" device just a little more attractive.
As an executive coach, he sees managers collapse several issues into one large mess, so he often asks them to remove the emotion, the anxiety and start untangling things, bit by bit.
He was winning the power struggle bit by bit.
But Obama's hopes to tackle national energy policy bit by bit after the Senate removed climate measures from the energy bill in July may also be threatened.
As the dense, cold high-rises sprout up in the cities, the traffic congests, the air fouls, and bit by bit, people's happiness is tattering and dying away.
Watson isn't strong AI, but if strong AI happens, it will arrive gradually, bit by bit, and this will have been one of the bits.
Don't worry about it - just do it bit by bit.