As he describes it, this has merely enabled an ANC-connected elite to enrich itself fabulously in the name of affirmative action officially meant to tip more of the economy into black hands.
One consequence is a large black economy, which also keeps the tax take low.
The choice to delay a conclusive statement may have been an act of caution, to avoid a black eye in the event that the economy contracts again before reaching its previous peak.
And a vigorous and growing underground (black) economy makes a big difference.
Waldemar Pawlak, the economy minister, has declared his love for the black stuff and, partly in response to record oil prices, has even called for greater emphasis on it.
The revenue from the "black market" economy of EverQuest makes auction sites and others a significant amount of money that EverQuest sees none of.
Spain is lucky that strong social networks (helped by the black economy) help to prevent civil unrest.
No one knows how large the black economy really is.
For raul Castro, tackling Cuba's moribund economy and vast black market is a priority.
India loses 14 trillion rupees ($314 billion) from tax evasion annually, depriving it of funds for investment in roads, ports, and power, says Arun Kumar, author of The Black Economy in India.
After the Cold War, the clan conflict problem of Black Africa became the focus in academia. Scholars have analysed the causes of conflicts from the perspective of economy, society, and culture.
IF MONEY circulates around a sound economy the way blood circulates around a healthy body, then outwardly robust China has a black hole for a heart.
One answer is the black economy, say economists.
Dealing with the black economy in this broader sense, one must also consider tax evasion.
Then when West Virginians discovered coal, they moved away from their farm-based economy and became the United States's largest producer of the black stuff.
A minority of cubans already work for themselves and there is a thriving black economy.
The black economy can be guessed at by the gap between the volume of goods exported to Azerbaijan and the volume of the same goods recorded as imports.
The city always flour sales of the first, and export to other countries, therefore, the city always has black township economy, hope you have time to visit the city always!
Meanwhile income from a flourishing black economy financed the building of second homes on the islands, in Greece's Arcadian heartland or moved into bank accounts abroad.
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Through study the effect of carbon black filler content on conductivity, oil furnace carbon black with good economy and technology was selected.