What does the business term "black swan event" refer to?
From the sudden black swan event, he thinks the next few months the big financial institutions are unlikely to collapse.
Markets might be undermined by what Nassim Taleb, an author, has described as a “black swan”—an event with a small probability of happening, but a big impact if it does.
As American investors slept last night, the latest 'Black Swan' event may have fluttered into their lives.
My black swan is an event with three properties.
Torgovnick's fears are certainly well-intentioned, but there's no evidence that women aspire to look like the characters in "Black Swan," and in any event eating disorders are not contagious.
So-called black swan funds - named for rare and unexpected events - offer a way to profit in the event of a market collapse.
Many consider Brexit as a 'Black Swan' event, previously unexpected and unthinkable.
Now, a black swan can be a negative event like a banking crisis.
Mr Taleb defines a Black Swan as an event that is unexpected, has an extreme impact and is made to seem predictable by explanations concocted afterwards. It can be both positive and negative.
Mr Taleb defines a Black Swan as an event that is unexpected, has an extreme impact and is made to seem predictable by explanations concocted afterwards. It can be both positive and negative.