Typically, the end block is used to perform final calculations or print summaries that should appear at the end of the output stream.
The quilted blankets were bought in India from one of the hotel owners who had a small hand block print studio in one of the rooms they were beautiful and cost next to nothing.
Because Python requires indentation to offset the block of statements that should be executed if the expression evaluates True or False, the two print statements are both indented four Spaces.
The weighty feel of the springloaded keys, the motor-car styling, and the beautiful marks they print on the page all make for a rich writing experience that can make writer’s block melt away.
After all the lines have been processed, the END block will execute, and awk will print out a final summary, specifying the number of blank lines it found.
Iters left No, it is not. Therefore, skip the rest of that block of code - and go to the next instruction, which is, y ah, print out y.
A couple of heavy volume print jobs crossing the network would block the network and drag its speed sorely.
Block until a container stops, then print its exit code.
If you only want to print exactly what you selected, select Block|Print in the menu instead.
如果你希望精确打印你选取的部分内容,而应从菜单中选择 “块 | 打印” 。
It organizes the whole drawing with the principles of decorative block print, incorporating structures, colors and tissues that show the emotion.
White line engraving a relief print made from a block in which the non-printing engraved lines form the subject producing a design in white lines and areas on a black ground.
白文木刻用木刻版印的凸版画。 雕去它的主题部份,成非印纹,在黑色下面造成白色线条的图形。
When printing a book, people placed the moveable characters in order into a whole block and then ran off a print.
Print your name in block capitals.
Part two: the influence of the folk belief on the folk wood block print.
Luxun had deep love for artistic works all his life, especially in woodcut of block print.
The words COCA-COLA appeared in either block print or script lettering on the bottles and embossing usually designated the city where the bottle was originally filled.
Please complete the form either in English or Chinese, and print it in BLOCK LETTERS.
A block of rooms is being reserved for China Screen Print 2006 in a range of hotels from 3 to 4 star. It takes only a few minutes on foot to go to the exhibition hall.
A block of rooms is being reserved for China Screen Print 2006 in a range of hotels from 3 to 4 star. It takes only a few minutes on foot to go to the exhibition hall.