For example, I don't participate actively in the blog commenting network Disqus but Fred Wilson does.
Another way to get seen around the web is to participate in community discussions, debates and blog commenting.
The tactics, tools and techniques we use to achieve this goals– blog commenting systems, for example—change with sometimes surprising speed, but these principles are fairly static.
Commenting on an interesting blog post is a way to voice your opinion or add some useful information, but it can also let more people know about your URL or expertise.
For example, people commenting on a blog using the Moveable Type platform will be able to login via Facebook Connect.
This is a fairly rudimentary commenting system that is similar to what's available on blog software such as WordPress or MoveableType.
Finally, we present live sample code for listing the blog entries in a blog library, creating a blog entry, and commenting on a blog entry, to help you further understand these REST-based services.
Continue commenting on new blog posts.
Wang actively discourages visitors from commenting on his blog.
If you can't delete negative information, bury it by Posting positive content, such as answering questions on forums, commenting on blogs or creating your own blog and updating it regularly.
If you can't delete negative information, bury it by Posting positive content, such as answering questions on forums, commenting on blogs or creating your own blog and updating it regularly.