Defence lawyers have still not agreed to terms for payment of blood money to the victims' families.
He made a large sum of blood money by selling weapons.
Raymond Kulinsky killed. Police suspect blood money is involved.
I didn't mean to let slip that Peter had been convicted of at crime many years ago; I don't want you thanks and I don't want your blood money.
Even the announcement that he would give all the proceeds (amounting to millions of pounds) to a charity for wounded soldiers was greeted with eye-rolling, and talk of blood money.
In addition, family reunions frequently attract blood relatives from faraway places who spend considerable money and time to reunite.
Weight off their shoulders: What makes all the blood, sweat, and tears worth it is the money.
卸下重担: 用金钱来回报我所付出的鲜血,汗水和眼泪吧。
On the surface that didn't seem to make sense — why would people give less blood when given money for their trouble?
For example, if asimple blood test could be developed to rule out a serious problem without anMRI or a CT, it would save loads of money and resources.
Perhaps there really is a new phase in Hollywood: a reminder that not only can our older generations still beat the blood out of us, but also that they've got money to spend.
What the study revealed was that the money made the generous act of donating blood seem more like a bad way to make a few dollars.
One profile memorably likened the firm to a "great vampire squid wrapped around the face of humanity, relentlessly jamming its blood funnel into anything that smells like money."
But I'm going to get it all back! And his money too, and then his blood.
Volunteers came from everywhere to help with rescue efforts. Americans donated blood and gave money to help the families of victims.
If you let one drop of his blood fall, you will lose all your land and all your money.
People are offering money, blood and other things to help.
Inboard air's thin to start with. You get a few redlines-that's these ruptured blood vessels -and you say the hell with the money; all you'll make is just one more trip.
Inboard air's thin to start with. You get a few redlines-that's these ruptured blood vessels -and you say the hell with the money; all you'll make is just one more trip.