To inquire into the relation between cancer and blood platelet count (BPC).
With the treatment prolonged, moreover, white blood count, absolute neutrophil count and blood platelet count all increased gradually in 7 case of SAA and NSAA.
The spleen can affect the platelet count, the red blood cell count and even the white blood count.
Common side effects include nausea, fatigue, infections, vomiting, decreased appetite, decreased red blood cell count, decreased platelet count, and decreases in the components of white blood cells.
Risk was also higher for patients with a high count of immature leukemia cells and a low number of platelet cells in the blood.
High platelet levels do not necessarily signal any clinical problems, and are picked up on a routine full blood count.
CBC with platelet count, fibrinogen level, partial thromboplastin time, and ABO blood typing and antibody screen are obtained.
The blood coagulative system in three groups was evaluated by testing platelet count (PLC), Active part thrombin time (APTT), prothrombin time (PT), thrombin time (TT), FIBrinogen(FIB).
血小板计数(PLC) ,活化部分凝血活酶时间(APTT)、凝血酶原时间(PT)、凝血酶时间(TT)和纤维蛋白原定量(FIB)。
Objective To understand changing of count and average volume of blood platelet and metabolite in Kawasaki's disease (KD).
Platelet count measures the tiny cells that help form blood clots.
D: I am sorry that your blood test is abnormal. I am afraid it's not very good. Both your red blood cell and platelet counts are low. Your white cell count is high with immature blood cells.
After iv AF114 injection, the mean blood pressure, heart rate and body temperature were increased. AF114 had no effect on the platelet count and red blood cell count.
经静脉注射给予AF 114注射液后,引起大鼠平均动脉压升高,心率加快,体温升高,对血小板计数和红细胞计数无明显影响。
After iv AF114 injection, the mean blood pressure, heart rate and body temperature were increased. AF114 had no effect on the platelet count and red blood cell count.
经静脉注射给予AF 114注射液后,引起大鼠平均动脉压升高,心率加快,体温升高,对血小板计数和红细胞计数无明显影响。