"There is a large proportion of people out there who are on medication and some people are on four different types but they still have high blood pressure; it is uncontrolled," Dr Ried said.
An apple a day can reduce the risk of diabetes, high blood pressure and many types of cancer.
Sleep patterns have been linked to some types of cancer, blood pressure and diabetes.
Vegetarian diets have been documented to lower cholesterol and blood pressure and to cut down on the risk of heart disease and certain types of cancer.
Vegetarian diets have been documented to lower cholesterol and blood pressure and to cut down on the risk of heart disease and certain types of cancer.
There are two types of blood pressure which are measured.
Eating these types of foods helps reduce the risk of becoming afflicted17 with osteoporosis18, kidney stones, and high blood pressure.
Every day, it seems another 25-year-old billionaire 4 reveals himself as the blood pressure of career middle-aged, middle-management types 5 soars higher than a Silicon Valley 6 IPO.
Every day, it seems another 25-year-old billionaire 4 reveals himself as the blood pressure of career middle-aged, middle-management types 5 soars higher than a Silicon Valley 6 IPO.