After leaving college, Jobs stuck to his weird, vegetarian diets, believing they would stop him having body odour.
Sati is aware of the characteristics of hardness, softness, heat, cold, pressure, motion; it is aware of visible object, sound, odour, flavour, as they appear through the body senses.
His limbs were flexible and his body "gave off a very pleasant odour".
And the study revealed more than half of Brits (54 percent) worry about their own body odour, while 45 percent have concerns about having bad breath in a social situation.
Even though it has been argued that bad scents invoke negative judgments, we argued and demonstrated that a bad body odour elicits feelings of pity in others.
Tomatoes may give you body odour, plant stalks are filled with an oil that smells like sweat. That's the message from a chemist and physician, who had a personal reason for embarking on a study.
One hundred women were asked to indicate their preferences on six male body odour samples, drawn from 97 volunteer samples, before and after initiating contraceptive pill use.
It's a bit like body odour on a cramped bus on a hot day. It's not going to kill you, but it's certainly going to get you off the bus pretty quickly.
It's a bit like body odour on a cramped bus on a hot day. It's not going to kill you, but it's certainly going to get you off the bus pretty quickly.