The developed countries are responsible for 44% of waste, and in the U.S. alone, the average person throws away their body weight in rubbish every month.
When the body is out of alignment from overworking, we waste a vast amount of mental and physical resources trying to return to balance before we can move forward.
The developed countries are responsible for 44% of waste, and in the US alone, the average person throws away their body weight in rubbish every month.
With no gravity exerting itself on the body, both bones and muscles begin to waste.
Dr. Oz says when you restrict your calories, the body understands that it doesn't have any resources to waste.
It's nothing anymore to have a beautiful stock body. You see those cars that are completely stock cherry, right out of a dealer's showroom in 1955, I always think, what a waste.
When your body is processing solid waste quickly and efficiently, it shows that there's adequate fiber in your diet and your digestive system is working properly.
The glomeruli filter fluid from your blood, extracting both waste products and substances your body needs — sodium, phosphorus and potassium.
So, instead of maintaining the same temperature all day, which would waste a lot of our energy, our body temperature rises and falls in accordance to what is needed.
Tips: Waste food is squeezed out of your body when you use the toilet.
Waste from the body passes out from the bowels.
The suction system pulls any waste into the machine as soon as it leaves the body.
The increased blood flow from exercise helps the body get rid of waste products like free radicals, resulting in a healthy post-workout glow.
The human mind and body, multi-purpose the spirit, and no waste. People must be in patience, especially have faith.
The body is not needed before the specific item was selected from the portlet, so retrieving it any earlier would be a waste of execution time and memory resources.
At this point the liver to eliminate toxins and vigorous activities, should allow the body to sleep, to the liver to fulfill its metabolic waste, do not forget fasting.
Kidneys are a pair of bean-shaped organs located at the back of the abdomen, which remove waste and extra fluid from the blood and pass them out of the body as urine.
Congestive heart failure interferes with the kidney's normal function of eliminating excess sodium and waste from the body.
At each outbreak, the waste from the broken red blood cells poisons the body, triggering a high fever.
Research shows onions clear waste materials from all of the body cells.
The result of the test showed that obvious pollution of water body was still caused by matured waste filled in water.
In mining the extremely fractured thin ore body, the separation of waste rock in the conventional shrinkage stoping was replaced by the separation of the rich ore and retaining the lean ore.
In mining the extremely fractured thin ore body, the separation of waste rock in the conventional shrinkage stoping was replaced by the separation of the rich ore and retaining the lean ore.