Their shields are made of wicker and they don't have that kind of metal body armor and all that stuff.
Britain offered 1, 000 sets of body armor.
They grab helmets, body armor, and heavy firepower.
Why didn't company with your face to research body armor?
As with any body armor, proper fit is EXTREMELY important.
The five agents are encased in body armor and are toting semiautomatic weapons.
He received death threats regularly, wore body armor and traveled with a guard dog.
I near about died every time I went out carrying just a helmet, body armor and a camera.
The snake's body there are many scales, which is the outermost layer of their body armor.
Well, when I started off on the picture, the first thing I did was sculpted the body armor for all of the stormtroopers.
In a savage land where zombies roam freely - Lieutenant Colonel Sawyer is armed with machine guns, body armor and courage.
Special "enhanced" body armor vests used by U. S. troops in Iraq and Afghanistan, and not available to the general public.
The parts include fasteners used on aircraft, missile guidance electronics, materials used in body armor and engine mounts.
Savage's body armor is based on Roman armor, with thin metal plates that slide over each other for a greater range of movement.
If you spawn as a kit with no body armor, you will NEVER obtain body armor, even if you pick up other kits that have body armor.
Cables are routed through an interchangeable cummerbund that integrates body armor and is secured to the standard or custom plate-carriers.
Surround the close Wei attach attach short body in imperial palace of the entire body armor of big palace to kneel ground, the skull of lowly proud.
Then he led soldiers wearing heavy rucksacks and body armor on a brisk jog across a partly cleared minefield to their new home, Forward Operating Base Kunduz.
然后他让士兵们穿上厚重的帆布背包,以及单兵装甲。 部队小步慢跑通过一个已经被部分清楚的雷区,最后到达他们的新家——昆都士前线基地。
The commander of flagship troops genuflected as the hatchway to the Regent's ship hissed up, spilling brilliant light against the soldier's crimson body armor.
The United States is offering nonlethal stuff worth millions of dollars: body armor, canteens, uniforms, wire cages for sandbags that can be used to make walls.
Their survey of four sports at the 2004 Olympic Games in Athens shows competitors were more likely to win their contests if they wore red uniforms or red body armor.
Their appearance was identical to the Royal Guard, except that their armor and visor colors were inverted, with the full body armor and robe being black and the visor red.
Two of Agent Blackburn's men appeared on either side of the power shed. Intimidating in full body armor and helmets, they trained their weapons at the suspect, who threw up his hands.
Two of Agent Blackburn's men appeared on either side of the power shed. Intimidating in full body armor and helmets, they trained their weapons at the suspect, who threw up his hands.