The basis for this lies in the chemistry of the effects which animal proteins and fats have on the individual cells as well as the whole body interactions.
The idea is that the person is asked a series of questions and that when they tell lies, their body will unconsciously change its state and the machine will detect this change.
A person telling lies may show signs of anxiety and stress, which can show up in deceptive body language.
The significance of the body transition of pedagogy lies in the fact that the body can hold a place in the pedagogy and its pedagogic meaning can walk out from the shadow to the brightness.
Revered Sir, the knowing mind is inside the body. Through the openings of the eyes the mind can see what lies outside the body.
Skeletal muscle consists of thousands of muscle fibers, each controlled by one motor neuron whose cell body lies in the brain or spinal cord.
The importance of this understanding lies that the ore controlling fracture and Lugou rock body is an integrated one and both take the same important role in exploration prediction.
Skin lies in the interface between inner condition and outer environment of body, which is an important protective organ as a barrier.
In this tomb lies the body of the Pharaoh.
The core of the TCM academic characteristics lies in the thought structure on method and the human body function structure on content, the exploration into which is the key of TCM research.
The essence of culture lies in the practical creativity of the main body.
Here lies the body of William Jay.
Milton asks the Sicilian Muse — this is the Muse of pastoral poetry - asks the Muse to help him strew the flowers over the hearse, to strew with flowers the casket in which Lycidas' body lies.
An empty bullet shell lies on the floor near the body of a man shot dead in his car at a gas station on the outskirts of Acapulco, May 5, 2010.
The solution lies in transcendence, the current, body and harmony. It embodies the teachers' wisdom of volitional action.
The coat is absolutely straight and off standing on the main trunk of the body but generally lies somewhat flatter on the limbs.
The challenge in designing any convertible lies in retaining a high degree of torsional rigidity throughout the body while keeping weight down.
The main body of this research lies in Part II and Part III.
The key technique of the sampling machine lies in how to keep the pressure variety of the pressure-6 hours of the high pressure sample tube body not over 10%.
Conclusion the function of acupuncture lies in the adjustment of antagonistic body state and it is most effective under the pathological state.
An appeal lies to a body known as a Commission of Review which is appointed AD hoc.
The person's body lies in the condition of constant change, follow the age not only, still can produce change along with the other factor such as season.
Qinghai Lake, the largest inland body of salt water in China, lies 3,198 metres above sea-level.
The technical attack value is seen as the temporal core value of martial arts attack and defense, its subsidiary value lies in the body-building value; entertainment value; education value and etc.
Much of the time this' pain-body 'lies dormant, but anything that resonates with past hurts (even a chance innocent remark) can trigger it into an active mode.
Here lies the body of this world.
Here lies the body of this world.