This will shorten the neck and alter the models body proportions.
Chapman says she pays attention to how shoes change body proportions, including the length of the leg and torso.
Lordkipanidze said: "The Dmanisi people were almost modern in body proportions and were highly efficient walkers and runners.
Long section of the sweaters have been popular, easy to dress up too slender physique, optimize body proportions, and unique leisure temperament.
In body size and limb proportions it was much like modern people. Its stone-tool culture, known as the Acheulean, was typified in most regions by big, symmetrical hand axes.
Vesta is what scientists term a protoplanet - a body that never acquired the proportions of "grown-up" planets such as Earth and Mars.
Just like that his body which was as limp and resigned as if he'd been filled with sawdust came tumbling back into the real world where he assumed the full proportions of his humanness again.
Besides body shape being an indicator of health risk, there is a measurement called the body Mass Index (BMI) that looks at the proportions of the body to see if health risks can be predicted.
They examined the growth rates of the brain size relative to body size to see if there were any changes in the proportions over time.
This video surveys the human body highlighting: Muscular and skeletal systems, simple and complex muscle groups, crucial joints and body mechanisms, visible landmarks, proportions.
Perhaps Copernicus took the picture from the drawings of the youth with outstretched arms which the Renaissance teachers put into their books on the proportions of the body.
哥白尼之所以描绘这样的画面, 大概是因为受到当时文艺复兴时期那些画作的影响吧——那时,导师们经常会把一些描绘身体健美、比例协调伸展着双臂的年轻人的画作编入教材;
As Leonardo da Vinci did with the human body, and his Vitruvian Man, a great number of studious men have done the same thing with the right proportions of the vehicles.
He accumulated no fewer than twenty-six sets of proportions, plus an example of the infant's body and the detailed measurements of the head, the foot and the hand.
Whatever culture fashion is part of, whatever time and place it refers to, its essence finds its roots in the characteristics of the human body. Only the being's dimensions and proportions matter.
Whatever culture fashion is part of, whatever time and place it refers to, its essence finds its roots in the characteristics of the human body. Only the being's dimensions and proportions matter.