We found that food insecurity is associated with a higher body mass index, greater weight gain during pregnancy, and a higher risk for the development of gestational diabetes.
The guidelines recommend differing amounts of weight gain depending on how much a woman weighed before pregnancy, as measured by a combination of her height and weight called the body-mass index.
Conclusions 1 pre pregnancy body mass index and maternal weight gain are critical factors on maternal complications.
Objective: To determine the relation of progestational body mass index (BMI) and excess weight gain during pregnancy with pregnant complication and delivery outcome.
Objectives:Studying the relation between macrosomia and mothers body mass index (BMI)before pregnancy and body weight gain during pregnancy.
Methods Body wight index (BWI) was calculated before pregnancy and maternal weight gain and pregnancy outcomes were followed up in 2 584 primipara with singleton births.
方法对2 584例单胎初产妇,测量孕前身高、体重和孕期体重增加情况,计算体重指数(BWI),并随访妊娠结局。
Methods Body wight index (BWI) was calculated before pregnancy and maternal weight gain and pregnancy outcomes were followed up in 2 584 primipara with singleton births.
方法对2 584例单胎初产妇,测量孕前身高、体重和孕期体重增加情况,计算体重指数(BWI),并随访妊娠结局。