Place two eggs in a strainer and lower into the boiling water. Cook for exactly 6 minutes, remove and place in an ice bath.
Three methods including oven-heating, oil bath, and boiling water bath were used to determine organic carbon content in different organs of rubber trees.
The urushiol in the extract was removed from lacquer by autoae. The Polysaccharide btained from acetone powder were extracted by boiling water bath.
Prepare2 or31 lb-jars and lids by washing well in warm soapy water and rinsing thoroughly. Bath them in a pan of boiling water for a while. Dry the jars.
If this coloration is absent, loosen the screw caps and place the tubes in a boiling water bath for 10 minutes to drive off the dissolved O2 from the medium.
If this coloration is absent, loosen the screw caps and place the tubes in a boiling water bath for 10 minutes to drive off the dissolved O2 from the medium.