The hydrodynamic instability model is spread for finite geometries in order to explain effects of size of microelectronic devices on the mechanism of formation of pool boiling critical heat fluxes.
Blanch oil noodles in boiling water with a little vinegar added for a minute and remove. Mix well with a little cooking oil, then spread out evenly and let sit under a fan until completely cooled.
Results show that final molar ratio of DFK resin and spread affected boiling peel percentage significantly, filler has no effect on it. More ideal parameters of cold-press process...
结果表明,DF K树脂的终摩尔比和涂胶量对煮沸剥离率的影响最显著,填料添加量影响甚微,并确定了较为理想的冷压胶合工艺参数。
Results show that final molar ratio of DFK resin and spread affected boiling peel percentage significantly, filler has no effect on it. More ideal parameters of cold-press process...
结果表明,DF K树脂的终摩尔比和涂胶量对煮沸剥离率的影响最显著,填料添加量影响甚微,并确定了较为理想的冷压胶合工艺参数。