The development, boll - bearing time and spacial distribution, boll weight and fibre quality of leafy branch were studied.
Different flowering dates and bolling positions had a significant effect on the individual boll weight, boll period and fiber quality of cotton.
Generally, the total boll numbers of multi-stem cotton was significantly increased, but single boll weigh on average was lower.
The result shows the remarkable positive correlation between boll weight and lint length and negative correlation between boll weight and cotton lint.
Various pesticides have great impact on boll opening stage, and the boll opening stage are the latest after spraying mepiquat chloride and acetamiprid.
GGR can promote the development of cotton roots like rhizogenic powder. It can also help seedling height, the number of lateral roots, root dry weight, boll weight and boll number per plant.
The nitrogen accumulation in cotton boll-shell, cottonseed, cotton fiber and single boll were significantly affected by the nitrogen application rates and their blooming stage.
The aphid size at the cotton seedling, budding and boll setting stages was not significantly different in Nanjing, 1999. But in the boll opening stage the aphid size became smaller.
In the correlation factors of production, boll weight was the greatest, followed by the boll number per plant and lint percentage.
In the correlation factors of production, boll weight was the greatest, followed by the boll number per plant and lint percentage.