Coffman says he wants to know whether district officials hid the budget shortage until after the November election, when voters approved a $212 million bond issue for schools.
But a large collective bond issue could have benefits even for countries with low credit risk, as it would rival America's Treasuries market for liquidity.
Why didn't you get a bond issue going in your native Zambia or other African countries?
A joint bond issue could thus enhance the euro's standing as a reserve currency, as well as lowering borrowing costs for all countries that took part in it.
If you buy a bond in the secondarymarket, after the date of issue, the bond'syield, or more precisely its current yield, differs from its interest rate.
So when Moody's says a collateralized debt obligation, a corporate bond and a sovereign issue are all rated AA, the implication is that the three types of bonds are equally healthy.
In October America even managed to issue an inflation-linked bond with a negative real yield.
Traders reported that they could not remember such strong demand for such a big bond issue.
In January the club's debt was restructured through a bond issue of 500m pound.
“If they did a hundred-million-dollar bond issue, two billion dollars of swaps would be created and traded, ” Schlosstein said.
“The bond sales are positive but the debt issue isn’t solved, ” said Semper’s Musil.
维也纳Semper Constantia私人银行经理人穆西尔 (PhilippMusil )表示,此次发售债券认购踊跃,但是债务危机问题没有得到解决。
China, Japan, Korea, Singapore and Thailand could agree to pool some of their reserves in a certain ratio into a basket of currencies to issue a bond.
If you 'bond' with someone on a negative issue, they will feel that they have found a partner in their distress and they will look for you every time they feel something negative," he states.
One tactic would be to rule that only a small fraction of any ABS or corporate-bond issue could be permissible.
一种措施便是规定对于各种资产支持证券或 公司债券,只有一小部分能获得允许。
Slate roofs are arranged to allow for localised replacement, so if there was a general paint finish it could cause them to bond together causing a maintenance issue.
Latest reports show a huge hole in Florida's budget, which may put off investors in its new Everglades bond issue.
They discussed plans for a new bond issue.
Firms that pursuing optimal bond maturity structure must weigh transaction and agency costs of a new corporate bond issue.
It is offering an extra percentage point of interest to investors in its latest bond issue, should Jon Corzine, MF's chief executive, quit to take a government job before July 2013.
It is offering an extra percentage point of interest to investors in its latest bond issue, should Jon Corzine, MF's chief executive, quit to take a government job before July 2013.