Despite the rapid evolution of reconstructive technologies for the musculoskeletal system, bone grafting remains an important tool for modern surgeons.
Hi, I was playing with follow path tool and got the idea it can be used as a pseudo bone.
Conclusions the spiral ct is ideal tool for reflect the change of the bone density in clinic.
Questionnaire was used to find out the actuality and the staff's requirements, performance appraisal was analyzed by QC tool-fish-bone diagram and performance appraisal index system was confirmed.
The digger seized the corpus's hair and pushed down his beard, they used iron tool to open his mouth forcefully. They were careful to protect the pearl; however, broke the bone of the mouth.
The digger seized the corpus's hair and pushed down his beard, they used iron tool to open his mouth forcefully. They were careful to protect the pearl; however, broke the bone of the mouth.