That is an enormous amount of wear and tear on the 26 bones, 33 joints and more than 100 tendons, ligaments and muscles that make up the foot.
And CAT scans of Tut turned up foot deformities, like a missing toe bone, and bone necrosis, which means some of his foot bones were dying due to poor blood circulation.
A couple of years ago he broke his foot and found out that his bones were thin and weak. He saw an endocrinologist, who was treating him for that problem.
At the foot of a pretty big pine and involved in a green creeper, which had even partly lifted some of the smaller bones, a human skeleton lay, with a few shreds of clothing, on the ground.
At the foot of a pretty big pine, and involved in a green creeper, which had even partly lifted some of the smaller bones, a human skeleton lay, with a few shreds of clothing, on the ground.
Foot is an important movement of body organs, systemic were 206 bones, occupy 52 blocks feet, legs and 66 joints, muscles, more than 200 40, supporting the body ligament of the weight.
THE development of my philosophy came about as follows: My wife, inviting me to sample her very first souffle, accidentally dropped a spoonful of it on my foot, fracturing several small bones.
Objective To develop a three-dimensional finite element model of human foot for studying stress distribution of the hind foot bones during the jumping moment.
And CAT scans of Tut turned up foot deformities, like a missing toe bone, and bone necrosis, which means some of his foot bones were dying due to poor blood circulation.
The accessory navicular bone is one of the most symptomatic bones of the foot.
Walton missed Sunday's game because of sesamoiditis, an inflammation of the sesamoid bones that began in his right foot last Friday.
ObjectiveTo evaluate the availability and effect of fixation of the fractures of hand and foot short bones with with absorbable rods.
He followed the trail of the other man who dragged himself along, and soon came to the end of it-a few fresh-picked bones where the soggy moss was marked by the foot-pads of many wolves.
Six cases of a new disease of the foot, the hunchback disease of the tarsometatarsal bones as called by the authors were reported.
Six cases of a new disease of the foot, the hunchback disease of the tarsometatarsal bones as called by the authors were reported.