Many primitive lineages went extinct as sharks and bony fish became masters of the waters and tetrapods, the four-legged animals that eventually evolved into dinosaurs and mammals, conquered the land.
There are no sharks, rays or fish with bony jaws, for example, Aronson explained, in Antarctica.
Abu Nawas was lined with fish restaurants that overlooked the Tigris; as I passed, men held up chunks of masgouf, their beloved bony fish, and asked me to join.
Abu Nawas街两边林立着鱼类餐厅,俯瞰着底格里斯河;我路过时,人们举起一种他们钟爱的名为Masgouf的鱼,邀我进去吃饭。
Sluggish square-tailed fish armored with tough bony scales; of deep warm waters.
Ishi Tib evolved from bony fish in the shallow waters near the coral reefs of Tibrin.
The skeleton of a bird or fish is an inside bony support.
Fish generally respire through gills. most bony fish es have a swim bladder a gas-filled organ used to adjust swimming depth.
Perch: snub-nosed bony freshwater fish with an oval body and a spiny dorsal fin; the flesh of this fish is highly valued.
Perch: snub-nosed bony freshwater fish with an oval body and a spiny dorsal fin; the flesh of this fish is highly valued.