This book gives instructions for making a wide range of skin and hand creams.
While doing research for her new book, she came across a 16th century French manuscript (手稿) consisting of nearly 1,000 sets of instructions, covering subjects from tool making to finding the best sand.
A full program on this subject, written in a manner and language everyone can understand and follow, with instructions, advice and exercises, can be found in the book Peace of Mind in Daily Life.
The artist began leaving piles of his books in famous locations with a card containing simple instructions inside each one: Take a book, read it and share your thoughts with me.
In order to get the full benefit of this course, I recommend that you participate experientially and follow the step-by-step exercises and instructions in this book exactly.
In the absence of a book of instructions, we had to feel for the best way to set up the machine.
I bought a few books, including a Speedball Text book, which had lots of great historical lettering samples with instructions on how to construct them.
Read the daily memo of the vice court manager and the minute book of the manager generally on duty and make comments and instructions upon the problems found.
In fact, DNA is not just like a book of instructions which contains only information. DNA also does things as well, catalyzing14 many of the processes of life.
In fact, DNA is not just like a book of instructions which contains only information. DNA also does things as well, catalyzing14 many of the processes of life.