He has compiled his thoughts on life in a short book to be published next week.
According to Blundell, it was roughly her 100th book to be published, but the first she put her name to.
Now finishing a book to be published next year by Veking under the title New Brand World, Bedbury spends part of his time coaching corporate CEOs on the importance of managing "the brand feel".
She'd just published a book on the subject which was reckoned to be quite good.
She had just published a book on the subject which was reckoned to be quite good.
HARD not to be cynical when picking up a book on courage by a politician which just happens to be published in the very month in which he becomes Britain's prime minister.
Make time to pursue your passion, no matter how busy you are. I've always wanted to be a writer, and get a book published.
He talked about his mentee and his new, soon to be published book, and encouraged us all to find someone to be our own GTY person.
The new book, which was due to be published in the UK this month but has been put on hold because of the lawsuit, has puzzling qualities that have led to speculation that it is an elaborate hoax.
This 150-page book, to be published in December 2008, will tell the story of public health achievements in eight major areas from the eradication of smallpox to outbreak response.
Thankfulfor will collect all the Mother’s Day posts and select the best to be published in a beautiful e-book to be given away to all Thankfulfor members (and Moms).
Thankfulfor 还会收集所有母亲节期间的贺卡并从中选出最好的出版在一个漂亮的电子书中分发给所有Thankfulfor的会员(以及母亲们)。
It was published, it did not sell, and then the publisher said, "This book is never going to sell" - which was worse than to be dropped.
Now a soon-to-be published book in English has revived the long-running debate about whether the man can be separated from his philosophy.
During the Middle Ages before the invention of printing presses, every letter of a word had to be painstakingly transcribed by hand for each copy of a published book.
But I hope to make this book a community effort, to be published electronically under the creative Commons.
I've always wanted to be a writer, and get a book published.
On the writing side, he's recently posted a draft of his latest book the Art of Unix Programming (see Resources for a link), which is slated to be published in August 2003.
在写作方面,他最近发表了他的新书TheArtof UnixProgramming(请参阅参考资料以获取链接)的草稿,这本书计划在2003年8月出版。
The Isaacson book was supposed to be published on November 21st by Simon &Schuster, but now the release date has moved upto October 24th, according to a spokeswoman for the publisher.
Mr. Jobs’s biographer, Mr. Isaacson, whose book will be published in two weeks, asked him why so private a man had consented to the questions of someone writing a book.
Here's a preview of what the dialogue with God in that soon-to-be-published book reveals... I've often heard the analogy that I am, to God, as a wave is to the ocean.
We have recently been offered the opportunity to buy the rights to produce a video game based on the soon-to-be-published children's book 'Squirrel Power, ' by Peter Wood.
114我们最近获得了购买一个游戏的生产权的机会,该游戏基于即将出版的由Peter Wood所写的儿童文学《松鼠力量》。
His book about gene is to be published soon.
His book about gene is to be published soon.