"Would you please book the table by the window at next time? And its the booking number. Thank you".
Segmentation can be looked at a number of different ways: by booking channel, customer type, rate type, etc.
The number of Americans booking online will increase just 3.5% between 2009 and 2014, according to the report.
As Gen Y ages, this number will continue to increase, as does the percentage using the net for booking travel.
The site has some quirks; the number of stars on the hotel we were booking changed from four to three as we went through the process.
Given the stagnating market share for online booking services and search - I think we need to consider a number of issues.
We never confirm a guest booking until we receive a response from the hotel's system with a confirmation number.
And it gives users the option of booking the hotel through a toll-free number, 800-468-3578. A helpful person answers promptly.
“A site like TripAdvisor can do the same, ” Andeweg said. “They are a member of the Expedia.com family with numerous Web sites providing booking opportunities in a large number of hotels.
To guarantee your booking, please advise us of your credit cart number and dated of valid advance in.
Give your membership number when booking.
Booking Clerk: May I know your flight number, please?
Mr. Lu, everything is OK. Your booking is from today through Wendnsday. Single room. Your room number is 512. Here's your key.
In order to provide the best quality of service, and every day that we only accept appointment, no more fixed number of a single. Please you advance booking.
And now a number of online the booking systems, users can enter the hotel through its interior, to find a suitable room, we can see inside the room furnishings and window scene.
Request for personal data access and correction should be addressed to the Assistant Manager (Ngau Chi Wan Civic Centre) Booking, whose address and telephone number are printed on this form.
Across Asia, the growing number of travellers booking online instead of through traditional travel agents has prompted airlines to begin to embrace social media.
To ensure that eligible bookings made during the maintenance period are credited to your account, please input your membership number via Manage booking after the maintenance period.
Prepare cargo space booking right after the receipt of letter of entrustment and notice clients the booking note number of shipping company.
Shall I have to provide the MasterCard card number when booking hotel room or Restaurant seat?
Shall I have to provide the MasterCard card number when booking hotel room or Restaurant seat?