Indian troops bore the brunt of the Burma campaigns.
Other such deep sea corals bore the brunt of BP's catastrophic blowout in the Gulf of Mexico in 2010.
The rains came late this year in the Irrawaddy Delta, which bore the brunt of a 2008 cyclone that killed over 130, 000.
Miyagi, Fukushima and Iwate prefectures further north bore the brunt of the damage from the shock and the ensuing tsunami.
Banks, brokers and insurance companies, all big holders of these bonds, bore the brunt of the selling, falling more than 10% overall.
Banks bore the brunt of the losses in equity markets on Tuesday while the bond markets of the peripheral eurozone economies came under pressure.
Eventually the British, with Nelson commanding the smaller vessels that bore the brunt of the engagement, destroyed the greater part of the fleet.
This comes after Japan's elderly people bore the brunt of the initial impact of the quake and tsunami, with many of them unable to flee to higher ground.
He speaks with the authority of a chosen leader whose writ runs large in the fishing Hamlet of Devanampattinam along India's eastern coast, an area which bore the brunt of the disaster.
Other countries, who bore much of the brunt of the inventory liquidation because they provide such a large share of what Americans consume, are already benefiting.
Other countries, who bore much of the brunt of the inventory liquidation because they provide such a large share of what Americans consume, are already benefiting.