Food is the moral right of all who are born into this world.
Not everyone is born into this world with the same advantages.
We all are born into this world with one thought - I shall love and be loved.
We are all born into this world with one thought — I shall love and be loved.
Cause you were born into this evil world, where man is killing man, and no one knows just why.
The Zodiac Sign where the Moon was present when you were born into this world is your Moon sign.
Well, when you think of it... that's the life they had ever since they were born into this world.
Born into this world, we are always with people; hence spiritual cultivation cannot be achieved in isolation.
My siblings and I were born into this lifestyle, but we don't look or act particularly different to anybody else.
My siblings and I were born into this lifestyle, but we weren't taught to carve clothes pegs and sell lucky heather.
我和我的兄弟姐妹就是在这种生活方式中长大的,但我们不会学习如何做衣服夹子和卖吉祥石南(lucky heather)。
Into this house we're born, into this world we're thrown.
This is one of the conclusions of an Oxford University study into 17,000 people all born in the same week in May 1970.
This is one of the conclusions of an Oxford University study into 17, 000 people all born in the same week in May 1970.
This image was very much the exception for Catherine Elizabeth Middleton, who was born into a middle-class family in Bucklebury, Berkshire, on Jan. 9, 1982.
This turned the self-described “mean, miserable SOB” into a hero in his adopted state (he was born in Indianapolis in 1923 and moved to Alaska in 1953).
This type of maternal support is possible in bonobo societies because males tend to stay with the group they were born into.
But this crisis was born of economic excess as well as financial folly; given the torrent of capital flowing into America, Britain, Spain and so on, almost any financial system would have gone wrong.
When I got home that night, I burst into tears, thinking about all the things that might have gone wrong. I later found out this was only the second baby ever born on a London bus.
It had been seven years since it came into this world, born from the silvery solution of the photographic tray.
Fleetingly, then, this looks accidental, an anomalous situation born out of a disease that threw everybody into a panic and then became manageable pretty swiftly.
Digital has always been with this generation. They were born into the age of the cellphone.
Childishly I wanted to ask why it had turned into a monster which devoured my brother, Prasanna. He was the only one in this generation to have been born in the house itself.
Now, at least, I have made a stab at doing so because, for this anniversary (he was born on July 15, 1606), Amsterdam has organized a host of events that offer insights into Rembrandt's world.
Into this perilous world of spies and informers steps the neophyte policeman, Nicholas Le Floch, Breton-born, and as stubborn as his countrymen.
Into this world a child was born. A boy who would change everything.
Why would you pay $35 every month to have a phone that plugs into a wall? For those born today, this will be a silly concept.
If you can really become a child in this body, there is no need to be born into the world again.
If you can really become a child in this body, there is no need to be born into the world again.