Its fishermen have not killed any bottlenose dolphins since the current season began last month, although they have slaughtered dozens of pilot whales, which are members of the dolphin family.
Other toothed whales are the bottlenose, the beaked whale, and the white whale.
When killer whales were socialized with bottlenose dolphins at a water facility, they changed the types of sounds they made to resemble those of their social partners.
Caption: About 100 bottlenose dolphins and short-finned pilot whales swim at sunrise in the cove that is at the centre of a controversial film the cove, due for release in the UK next month.
When killer whales were socialized with bottlenose dolphins at a water facility, they changed the types of sounds they made to resemble those of their social partners.
When killer whales were socialized with bottlenose dolphins at a water facility, they changed the types of sounds they made to resemble those of their social partners.
When killer whales were socialized with bottlenose dolphins at a water facility, they changed the types of sounds they made to resemble those of their social partners.