During some periods, the bottom layer of the world's oceans comes from cold, dense water sinking in the far North Atlantic.
As the bottom layer of the ODFDOM hierarchical structure, it provides direct access to the physical storage in the ODF package, such as XML streams, pictures, and embedded objects.
If you had to build one subsystem at a time, such an architecture would force you to build the bottom layer subsystems first, and then go higher and higher up.
Duplicate the bottom layer and place it on the top. Then place it in the clipping mask.
Its bottom layer provides the search engines in local networks of different organizations like universities.
They discussed an application structure with two layers: the bottom layer is made up of functional components, while the top consists of the flow logic of the application.
You can't fully manipulate the bottom layer called 'Background', so select this layer, go up to the options at the top of the Layers palette and duplicate the layer.
The bottom layer is made up of the shortest running tests, which, as you can imagine, are the easiest to write.
The bottom layer has no dependency on the upper layers due to a loose-coupling design.
The bottom layer is mostly made up of savings Banks that are either too small or too weak to tap longer-term funds.
Straw, chaff, animal hair, and quartz were part of the mixture that protected and strengthened the clay material, as did ropes attached to wooden pegs at the bottom layer.
At the bottom layer on the client side you find the communication API that the logging client USES, implementing the transport protocol used.
The bottom layer in expressed via WSDL, the middle layer is expressed in BPEL, and the top layer is expressed via Conversation Policies.
The bottom layer of the cloud is the infrastructure services layer.
Cod live in the bottom layer of the ocean.
In this sample, the piece of content named Photo Book (shown in figure 10, in the bottom layer of the tree structure) is the default content of the root folder of the library.
But if you want to look at it from the stack perspective, the bottom layer of Info 2.0 is actually called Mashup Hub.
如果您希望从堆栈的角度查看,Info 2.0的最底层实际上被称为MashupHub。
The regular movement of furniture can be sticky in the bottom layer of rubber.
Upon the bottom layer are tones weaving a tapestry that are black, gray, brown, mucous green and mucous yellow in color.
Networking: CAN protocol provides excellent bottom layer protocol for networking. The key is to have enterprise protocol meet the technical conditions required by networking.
Investigation of pollution situation of bottom layer of a landfill by boring sampling was carried out.
A bottom layer of nickel catalyst was provided to promote the endothermic reaction of steam and methane.
It would be better placed on pump suction fluid entering the bottom layer of segment, if placed in the top of the gas separator should be used.
For example, you can change the color on the bottom layer without affecting the color on the top layer.
The materials on the bottom layer can be packed directly.
According to the characteristics of the underwater image, the bottom layer can be divided into four steps: image denoising, image enhancement, edge detection and edge extraction.
To comply with the lights direction we have to make the "top" layer lighter and the "bottom" layer darker.
To comply with the lights direction we have to make the "top" layer lighter and the "bottom" layer darker.