The size of the dots represents the bounce rate.
Visitor loyalty, bounce rate, recency, time on site .
A high bounce rate typically means your list needs cleaning up.
Bounce rate is relatively much more appropriate? You all how much? This my.
A quick click on the bounce rate column heading will sort the table by bounce rate.
点击Bounce Rate一栏能够对跳出率进行排序。
One note about bounce rate, if your site is a blog, bounce rate may not be relevant.
You can see metrics such as pageviews, unique pageviews, avg. time on page and bounce rate.
I am testing ec and I too notice a high bounce rate but I have received a few RSS subscriptions.
Your bounce rate might be high because people come to error pages on your website and then leave!
Use Analytics to show which keywords are most important to your website (by time on site, bounce rate, etc)?
The Site Usage tab shows metrics such as the number of pages viewed per visit, the average time on site, and the bounce rate.
Let's say you have a high bounce rate for the phrase "chicken farming" yet it's something you think people would want to read about on your site.
假如短语“小鸡农场(chicken farming)”在你网站上的跳出率比较高,那么从这条信息中你就可以知道别人想从你的网站中读什么。
In real life, some people are often troubled by obesity, try a variety of ways to lose weight, but the effect is limited, and some bounce rate is still high.
So here, for example, if we select Bounce Rate as our comparison metric. we can see that the two most popular sources of traffic underperform the site average.
If you're seeing a high bounce rate even though your site isn't a blog and has more than one page, check to see that you've tagged all your pages with the tracking code.
For the NPH enlist DKA group, the bounce rate of KET, incidence of hypoglycemia, rate of hospitalization and average time of hospitalization all had different grade of reduction.
If you only have one page on your site, it's expected that you'll have a high bounce rate because it will not register multiple pageviews unless visitors refresh your site from within their browser.
A cluttered website will also affect traffic because visitors won't return if they can't understand or follow the content, which leads to low traffic, a high bounce rate and possibly a poor Page Rank.
The rapid “postshock” bounce of the population growth rate in the late 17th century was related to the dramatically reduced population size and the coupled increase of food supply per capita.
The rate of household formation, suppressed for years as people have put off renting or buying their own homes, will bounce back: few sane people want to live with their parents until they're 40.
Had increased to exceed cutaneous prolate rate when skeleton and muscle and adipose bulk dermal bounce fiber can be pulled and form grain.
Because they think that I'm going to forget that the offer ended and let my rate bounce to 15%.
If this round of rate cuts isn't enough for a bounce, the central Banks will come back with more, because they are targeting stock prices. In the short term, they will win.
Is cut rate the inspiration, the South Korean Stock market launches the bounce immediately. At present the South Korean Stock market expands the rise to 2%.
Is cut rate the inspiration, the South Korean Stock market launches the bounce immediately. At present the South Korean Stock market expands the rise to 2%.