The half-edge mesh structure is a manifold boundary representation, useful for writing tools that rely on quick adjacency queries and a uniform orientation.
At present, the CAD system always USES hybrid representations of feature representation and boundary representation in order to take advantages of both representations.
Boundary processing includes boundary extraction and boundary representation. It is a basic research in image processing and analysis and is also a problem which isn't complete solved.
In the solid modelling of boundary representation, if we store part adjacent entities for some entity, for example, a first edge for a face, topology structures from part relationships will result.
The main work in the thesis are as follows: (1) Research on the representation of image boundary using chain code.
The finite element representation of triangular prism and the treatment of boundary conditions ave described.
An algorithm is presented for converting the linear quadtree representation of a simply connected region into a 4-direction chain code description of the region's boundary.
本文提出一种算法实现单连通区域的线性四元树表示转换成区域边界的4 -方向链码描述。
The novel online heuristic algorithm of representation based on polygonal boundary reduction is presented in detail.
Thus the rationality of the class of boundary integral equations with indirect and direct unknowns based onthe above mentioned representation is proved rigorously.
In the appendix, a rigidity matrix representation of a boundary member such as the curved beam is presented.
In the appendix, a rigidity matrix representation of a boundary member such as the curved beam is presented.