Keep bounded wildcards out of return values.
Bounded wildcards work best when they are used in APIs, not in client code.
Bounded wildcards are extremely useful in making generic APIs more flexible.
The biggest impediment to using bounded wildcards correctly is the perception that we don't need to use them!
Lower-bounded wildcards show up when you want to specify a callback object, such as a comparator, or a data structure into which you are going to place a value.
Some situations will call for lower-bounded wildcards, and some for upper-bounded ones, and the get-put principle can be used to determine which should be used.
有些情况适合使用下限通配符,而另一些情况则适合使用上限通配符,通过get - put原则可以判断应该使用哪种通配符。
As a final example of using lower bounded wildcards, lets look at the method Collections. Max , which returns the maximal element in a collection passed to it as an argument.
The most common mistake with bounded wildcards is forgetting to use them at all, restricting the utility of a class or forcing users to jump through hoops to reuse an existing class.
The most common mistake with bounded wildcards is forgetting to use them at all, restricting the utility of a class or forcing users to jump through hoops to reuse an existing class.