Cracks are easily occurred during constructthereinforced concrete box culvert.
It is a key factor for large cross section box culvert to form good slurry sleeves.
The initial program of the top box culvert could easily lead to landslides due to be denied.
Introducing the foundation treatment technique for box culvert and summarizing the engineering experience.
Pine wood piles strengthening slush soft soil subbase is introduced on the basis of a major blow-off box culvert project.
The application of strengthening slush soft ground by pine wood piles in a major blow-off box culvert project was introduced in this paper.
The subway crossing project through Hongxu Road in Shanghai is the pipe-roof project with the biggest cross-section box culvert up to now in the world.
It also analyzes the forced condition of the superstructure of the box culvert at different angles of the angle of section at pass of box culvert and road line.
Non-uniform settlement of the part of building(box culvert) crossing the levee of Dongting-lake appears in its usable life affects its operation, and even leads to rupture.
The cracking in embedded concrete box culvert in Chongqing City was studied and the structural calculation checks in this paper were performed using elastic foundation beam theory.
Though the calculation of a piece of box culvert with a special-shaped structure the paper compares the difference between the traditional calculation method and solid finite element calculation.
Mud fluid can be used to reduce the resistance of advancing the culvert box; a new infilled pad is designed to solve the p.
To estimate the resistance of thrust correctly during the process of the culvert box jacking is one of the main factors to construct the project successfully.
For the case of safety, its construction will adopt pipe-roof culvert box jacking method.
The application of the chemical churning pile in the existing tracks culvert-jacking box;
The application of the chemical churning pile in the existing tracks culvert-jacking box;