A tablet engraved about 3000 B.C.E. provides the earliest known example from Sumer, a roofed boxlike sledge mounted on four solid wheels.
However, with the limited lighting afforded by their few small windows, these churches still suggest the kiva's characteristically low, boxlike, earth-hugging interior.
然而,由于仅有的几扇小窗户提供的有限光线,这些教堂仍然暗示着 kiva 特有的低矮、盒子般的、拥抱大地的内部。
William M. Clark, a retired businessman, generously provided a collection of engines, levers, pumps, axles, and crankshafts for us to display in boxlike frames.
William M. Clark, a retired businessman, generously provided a collection of engines, levers, pumps, axles, and crankshafts for us to display in boxlike frames.