It's almost like what you looked for in a boy scout or a girl scout.
Before his third grade school year started, a Cub Scout Pack leader called and asked if I would take on another boy.
Just before the end of the Cub Scout program I took them all to a Boy Scout meeting to see how it was and help them make the final yes or no decision to continue on in the Scouting program.
The watch features a removable compass that, when used with the scratch-resistant mirror and the compass’s reflective surface, can give any Boy Scout the tools to find his way home.
I can do this, the 14-year-old Boy Scout thought, staring at the abandoned park building and imagining a gleaming new interior.
Tourniquets, which every Boy Scout learned how to make back in the day, are now a first-aid no-no.
We’ve all heard the miracle stories: The Boy Scout who survived for four days in the mountains of North Carolina.
Spielberg was after a Boy Scout photography merit badge, while Abrams's focus was his lifelong obsession with special effects.
He's a great guy, a basketball player, you know. And a Boy Scout.
In 1974, a Boy Scout wrote to his Senator detailing his views on a pressing national issue.
Only good scouting is likely to preserve the freedoms so dear to the heart of the eternal Boy Scout.
Members of the Boy Scouts of America use a left handed shake, referred to as the 'scout shake.
As every boy scout knows, different types of knots have different characteristics that make them more or less suited to particular tasks.
Standing next to me was a nerve-shattering blonde, who waxed and waned under a black chemise with enough provocation to induce lycanthropy in a Boy Scout.
Look at this scout, he was the bugle boy too.
Boy Scout knife, a puzzle pack?
一把小刀, 一套拼图?。
It goes without saying that a boy scout should be brave and honest.
Undeniable, the boy scout of Guangdong had some passive factors to education too.
What the boy scout of Guangdong education having and losing produced certain reference function to the teenagers' education of today.
So I sent our chief scout, Jim Lawlor, over to Mexico for three weeks to watch him and get some more background on the boy.
Bill Gates, the Pope, and a Boy Scout were in a plane that was going to crash. They realized that there were only two parachutes.
Bill Gates, the Pope, and a Boy Scout were in a plane that was going to crash. They realized that there were only two parachutes.