This paper describes a new method for rotor fault diagnosis of electric machinery drag system, artificial neural network, which is based on BP algorithm.
This paper discusses the technology of DM based on ANN(artificial neural network), puts forward an improved BP algorithm, and carries out analysis and testing in terms of the algorithm.
High nonlinear problem which is often met in Chemical engineering, taking the study of tray leakage mode as example, is treated by adopted BP (back propagation) algorithm in artificial neural network.
In order to reduce the operation cost and optimize the unit commitment, the fast algorithm about unit commitment based on revised BP ANN (Artificial Neural Network) and dynamic search is discussed.
An artificial neural network algorithm, based on variable slope BP algorithm and conjugate gradient algorithm, is presented in this paper.
Aiming at the defects of BP artificial neural network, combined with Differential Evolution Algorithm, the paper proposes a tourist quantity prediction model based on DE-BP neural network.
针对BP人工神经网络所存在的缺陷,结合差异演化算法,提出了基于DE - BP神经网络的旅游客源预测模型。
This paper reviewed the basic principle of artificial neural network, BP algorithm and improved BP algorithm.
Based on L-M algorithm of BP artificial neural network, the fractal parametric prediction model of running in and wear was established.
基于BP人工神经网络的L M算法,建立了磨合磨损的分形参数预测模型。
The training model of test simulation for car of inverted pendulum based on BP algorithm of artificial neural networks (ANN) is a BP network that has 4-input and 3-layer structure.
Though choosing the experimental results as the learning sample, the performance predictive model of EDM micro-and-small holes is proposed, with the BP algorithm of artificial neural network.
The potential utility of feed forward artificial neural network using the back propagation algorithm (BP-ANN), in interpreting pyrogram data from traditional Chinese medicine was discussed.
将以误差反向传播为训练算法的前馈式人工神经网络(BP- ANN)首次用于中草药的裂解气相色谱谱图解析。
Several traditional algorithms used in traffic incident detection are reviewed. A detection model based on artificial neural network is proposed and implemented with BP algorithm.
In chapter 4, it introduces the BP algorithm of the fuzzy artificial neural network.
In chapter 4, it introduces the BP algorithm of the fuzzy artificial neural network.