"Learning is brain change," says Professor James Zull from Case Western University in Cleveland, Ohio, USA.
While the doctors were excited that he was a 'classic case', he wanted to go beyond the dry medical description and document the subjective experience of a stroke in this part of the brain.
当他的医生因为找到一个典型案例而激动的时候(什么医生啊-_- !——译者注),他却想要脱离医学上对这种综合症的枯燥描述,用大脑这部分中风患者的主观感受来描述。
You can end up wasting a lot of energy by pushing yourself on by sheer willpower... when, in fact, it may be the case that your brain and body really need a break.
纯粹用毅力勉强自己工作,最终你只会浪费很多精力. .而这时候实际上是你的大脑和身体都真的需要休息一下了。
But brain researchers have discovered that that's not the case.
But this is the first-known case of a brain tumor caused by a brain stem cell therapy, according to the report-a phenomenon scientists have predicted in the pages of Scientific American and elsewhere.
But if Prof. Baron-Cohen is right, a combination of a brain scan, a genotyping and a case history could "diagnose" many or even most cruel personalities, perhaps even before they commit crimes.
Here's the method: Test subjects (in this case, epilepsy patients) were outfitted with brain-computer interfaces, which were implanted in the regions of the brain controlling speech.
And those feelings are reinforced by the brain chemical dopamine, which is also triggered by novelty - which in Mr. Weiner's case may have taken the form of new electronic liaisons.
A number of neurological case studies have reported that people and animals with lesions in the hippocampus - meaning fewer brain cells in that region - are less prone to anxiety than other people.
There is the famous case of Phineas Gage, however, in which brain damage to the frontal lobes of the brain by a railfoad spike turned a sober, hard-working man into a lout.
Pacing--by frequentlyswitching which parts of your body (or in this case, brain) you'reusing--lets you stay fresher for a longer period.
There has never been a documented human case of such brain disease linked to consumption of U.S. beef.
And in this case, both of Lefty and Righty seem to have enough of Shelly Kagan's brain.
Yet as the case of Gage and numerous subsequent individuals has shown, the self can plod on, albeit changed, after quite radical brain damage.
In the case of brain tumors, it may reach even 30-40 years.
对脑瘤来说,可能要达到30 - 40年的时间。
For an example of this type of brain surgery with a permanent effect, we can look to the case of Phineas Gage, a 19th-century railway worker.
For instance, your brain can store 100 trillion facts. Your mind can handle 15, 000 decisions a second, as is the case when your digestive system is working.
As regards the brain changes, a model is only a model-and in this case an accidental one.
And what a case like this, where somebody is in a coma, is without consciousness as a result of damage to the brain, is a stark illustration of the physical nature of mental life.
Could it be that we have tapped more of our cognitive reserve, you know, we say we only use a certain amount of our brain, maybe we're using more of that in this case?
By now, it should come as no surprise when scientists discover yet another case of experience changing the brain.
Brain researchers are on the case.
Hm, this sounds reasonable. So, it really seems difficult to dismiss the case that the mind is distinct from the brain.
Scientists claim her case is helping to reveal new information about the brain and how it processes information from our ears.
This appears a case of the brain keeping people ready for trouble in a new place, the researchers said.
That's the case with English speakers. Chinese speakers, on the other hand, use the whole brain; the picture-like characters are stored in the right brain.
I would imagine the benefits outweigh any dangers in this case though, as DHA is proven to be important for long-term cardiovascular health and eye and brain function.
If this is the case, how do you explain the effect of the brain on the mind I just discussed above?
If this is the case, how do you explain the effect of the brain on the mind I just discussed above?