Supermarket lines are often cheaper than branded goods.
Why pay more for branded goods, they ask?
Supermarket % lines are often cheaper than branded goods.
My spare time was devoted to tracking down new branded goods.
Many more Starbucks-branded goods are to appear in supermarkets.
In the USA, expensive branded goods are advertised in dedicated combined marketing campaigns.
Mr Becht insists that consumers can still be persuaded to pay for more expensive, branded goods.
Retailers hope the case will allow them extensive freedom to sell top branded goods at bargain basement prices.
In many markets, for instance, Lidl now stocks a limited range of branded goods alongside its cheaper own-label items.
The negative margin means it is costing the company more to produce Reebok-branded goods than what it earns from selling them.
This new survey shows that for branded goods, at least, there is some sign of a consistent gradual convergence of price levels.
Counterfeit goods are also readily available, even though Taobao claims to have removed two million "fake branded goods" from the site.
In the past year private-label sales have grown by around 9% in America and 5% in Europe, gaining market share from branded goods in many categories.
A shift away from visibly branded goods to a focus on quality has hurt sales of many brands with strong name recognition, while strengthening other players.
Its members will buy the same branded goods, save up for the same houses, sign up for the same credit CARDS and aspire to put their children into the same schools.
The supermarket said the move, which starts tomorrow, follows strong growth in its own-branded goods, which were launched in March 2009 and now make up 17% of sales.
Retail analysts say steep import duties of up to 30 percent slow the growth of the luxury sector by making branded goods more expensive than in some outside countries.
Simply stated, branded virtual goods combine a real item - like artist merchandise - with some gaming or novelty element.
In fact, analysts say, it has persuaded the suppliers to provide much of the Labour in its stores at branded booths, which holds down sales costs. It also collects goods directly from them.
Top OEMs aren't the only game in town: While everyone is concentrating on the biggest OEMs, the trend in emerging economies is towards non-branded white goods.
This translates to 46% of the global volume of high-end goods, which includes branded leather goods, cosmetics and electronics.
Wang also has two lower-priced lines . She's developed a fragrance business and home-goods collection. And she has a branded flower bouquet business.
It presented this segment with incentives in the form of cash discounts on wide variety of leading branded household goods.
Buy branded things only when you are sure that they are superior and to and have more utility than the goods on the shelf.
Branded-goods groups must decide how much of the slump is cyclical and how much reflects a permanent change in consumer behavior.
Branded-goods groups must decide how much of the slump is cyclical and how much reflects a permanent change in consumer behavior.